IcAUMS 2023 Bali-Indonesia

Registration Fee

Participants Early Bird Late/On-site

Invited Speaker

USD 350

IDR 5,250,000

USD 400

IDR 6,000,000


USD 450

IDR 6,750,000

USD 500

IDR 7,500,000


USD 350* 

IDR 5,250,000*

USD 400* 

IDR 6,000,000*


USD 200

IDR 1,500,000 **

USD 300

IDR 2,000,000 **

Note: The package includes lunch and banquet except * does not include banquet

The registration fee does not include publication fee

** Special rate for IMS Member

Requirement of Presentation
  • At least one author for each accepted full paper must register, so that the paper is included in the program and e-Proceedings of IcAUMS 2023.
  • Only papers presented at the conference are considered for the journal publication.
Condition of Payment
  • Payment can be made after the annoucement of the acceptance of abstract submission.
  • The fee has to be transferred under the registrant’s name.
  • The Registration Fee should be excluded the transfer fee and bank charges. Bank transfer fee/charge should be paid by the participants.
  • A copy of the receipt of the bank remittance should send to reg.icaums2023.org in the Payment Tab or by email to [email protected].
  • A direct bank transfer should be made to the account below.
Bank Transfer

Account Number : 009401001459560
Swift code : BRINIDJA
Bank Name : BRI 94 KC SUMEDANG

Early-bird Registration: June 20, 2023

Credit Card

Tutorial of Registration Payment via Credit Card (for payments in USD only):

  1. Visit IcAUMS 2023 registration website: https://reg.icaums2023.org/
  2. Log in to your account using your username and password. If you do not have an account, please Sign Up, fill the registration form, and then verify your email.
  3. Once you have logged in to your IcAUMS account, go to Tab “Invoices”. You will see your invoice of payment for your presentation/attendance in IcAUMS 2023 as oral/poster/invited speaker/keynote speaker/audience. The payment status is shown as “invoice created”. You may download the invoice of your presentation role in IcAUMS 2023 at Tab “Payment Notification” in the Invoice Section. In case you do not see the invoice generated, please contact us via email, so we can generate a payment invoice for you.
  4. The next step is to proceed with your payment. In the column table of “Payment”, click the green arrow. It will continue to the summary of your payment. The payment is basically in USD, plus additional administration fee, but you will see in IDR. Click the button called “Submit Invoice” to input your credit card details (card number, expired date, and CVV). If it is OK, then click “Pay now”.
  5. If your payment is successful, there will be a pop up window saying “Payment Successful”. The status of payment will change to be “Waiting Payment Confirmation”. Please wait 2 x 24 hours for the IcAUMS Committee to check and confirm your payment.
  6. If it is confirmed, the status of your payment will be “Paid Successfully”. The IcAUMS Committee will send you the receipt of your payment via email. You may also download the receipt at Tab “Payment Notification” in the Receipt Section.
  7.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Early-bird Registration: July 15, 2023 (EXTENDED)

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